Data Privacy Management, Pryv

Pryv presents during the event Innovaud “From Big Data To Smart Data

EPFL, Innovaud, CVCI and Swisscom organise on October 7, 2015 at the Rolex Learning Center the Event : From Big Data to Smart Data.

Pryv is excited to present its approach for managing mHealth and sensitive personal data.

Pryv: eHealth Middleware for secure health data management

There is an explosion of mHealth and Medical apps and devices promising to build the next generation of digital patients, the personalized medicine and better healthcare services. However, significant challenges remain to be solved, such as regulatory issues, data security and privacy, interoperability and integration issues. At Pryv, we developed a trusted eHealth Data Middleware to empower Medtech and eHealth SMEs to go to market with confidence, reduced time and IT expenses. Our customizable back-end solution enables effortless connectivity to any data source and full-fledged data management while ensuring medical-grade of security, data interoperability, legal and compliance adaptability.


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