register migration

This guide describes how to migrate the register role of to a new machine.

The register migration procedure only takes into account the master registers. If you need to migrate a slave, simply deploy a new one and replication will take care of the data migration.

We copy the data from the old master register to the new one, set the old register to proxy to the new one and enable replication between the two so they are synchronized during the DNS propagation phase.

Table of contents

  1. Setup dest machine
  2. Transfer data
    1. Transfer config data
    2. Transfer user data and fetch docker images
    3. Fix permissions and boot services on dest
  3. Set NGINX redirection for register on source
  4. Reload NGINX on source
  5. Set the source register as replica of the dest register through a SSH tunnel
  6. Update Name servers
  7. Verify
  8. Finalize

Setup dest machine

We assume that you have installed docker and docker-compose on the dest machine and have authenticated yourself with our private Docker repository.

Transfer data

We will be transfering data using rsync, therefore, we setup a pair of keys for this:

  1. Create an SSH key pair using the following command:
ssh-keygen -t rsa -b 4096 -C "migration@remote"
  1. Copy the private one to ${PATH_TO_PRIVATE_KEY} in source

  2. Add the public one in ~/.ssh/authorized_keys on dest

  3. Shutdown services on source to prevent new information from arriving: ${PRYV_CONF_ROOT}/stop-pryv

Transfer config data

  1. Transfer config leader, on source, run:

    time rsync --verbose --copy-links \
         --archive --compress -e \
      "ssh -i ${PATH_TO_PRIVATE_KEY}" \
         ${PRYV_CONF_ROOT}/config-leader \

    You may have to go via your home user directory on dest first if permission issues arise.

  2. Transfer config follower, on source, run:

    time rsync --verbose --copy-links \
         --archive --compress -e \
      "ssh -i ${PATH_TO_PRIVATE_KEY}" \
         ${PRYV_CONF_ROOT}/config-follower \

    (Same comment as previous step about permissions.)

  3. Fetch docker images on dest by running:

  4. Shutdown Pryv services on dest prior to transferring user data:


Transfer user data and fetch docker images

  1. Transfer Redis data: on source, run:

    time rsync --verbose --copy-links \
      --archive --compress --delete -e \
      "ssh -i ${PATH_TO_PRIVATE_KEY}" \
      ${PRYV_CONF_ROOT}/pryv/redis/data \

    (Same comment as previous step about permissions.)

Fix permissions and boot services on dest

  1. On dest, run ${PRYV_CONF_ROOT}/ensure-permissions-reg-master script to help with enforcing correct permissions on data and log folders.

  2. Then setup the config and boot services on dest:


If you wish to reactivate service on the source machine, simply reboot the stopped services: ${PRYV_CONF_ROOT}/run-pryv.

Set NGINX redirection for register on source

Since the DNS changes will take some time to come into effect, the NGINX process on source will be set to proxy to the dest machine. The following steps describe the configuration changes to make NGINX proxy calls to the dest register. It is advised to comment out the old setting inline using # in order to rollback easily in case of need.

Reload NGINX on source

Run ${PRYV_CONF_ROOT}/run-pryv

As we are currently using docker-compose to specify the mounted volumes (containing the NGINX config), we just boot all services, even if they will unused as NGINX is proxying to the dest machine.

Set the source register as replica of the dest register through a SSH tunnel

As DNS requests might still be routed to the old machine, we need to keep its database updated.

  1. On the dest machine, open the Redis container port 6379 to localhost: Add - "" to the ports section of the redis service in the ${PRYV_CONF_ROOT}/pryv/pryv.yml docker-compose file and reboot it running ${PRYV_CONF_ROOT}/restart-pryv
  2. Copy the private key generated earlier to the source register in ${PRYV_CONF_ROOT}/pryv/redis/conf so it is mounted in the container upon startup
  3. Set source register as replica of dest register and add the following to source register’s redis config file ${PRYV_CONF_ROOT}/pryv/redis/conf/redis.conf: replicaof localhost 4567
  4. Reboot services on source: ${PRYV_CONF_ROOT}/restart-pryv
  5. On the source register, enter the redis container (docker exec -ti pryvio_redis bash), open a SSH tunnel: run ssh -i ${PATH_TO_PRIVATE_KEY} -L 4567: root@${DEST_REG_HOSTNAME} -N.

Update Name servers

In your hosting provider (or your own system), set the name servers to the domain name associate to your platform as the dest register machines.

Update the NAME_SERVER_ENTRIES platform parameter accordingly


Run a DNS query on the dest register machines and verify that they contain the same data as the source ones.



After some time, all DNS requests will be directed to the dest register machines. To verify this, take a look at the logs on the sources of the dns and register containers and ensure that they have served no request in ~24 hours.